Keep in mind that in the text, keywords must appear naturally and not forcedly, otherwise, you risk reducing the performance of your content in the SERPs.Thousands of views of our landing page and posted articles, nearly 200 pre-registrations, 19 published posts, an average WoW Score of 72 and a hundred comments later, the 2019 Born Blogger contest ended last week in joy and good humor!
Before giving you the names of the winners of our grand prize (a MacBook and a free SEMrush Guru account for six months) and the other winners (1 Blend Web Mix croatia number data pass and 3-month Guru account for the next two winners and a 3-month SEMrush account for the best commentator), we have prepared a quick summary of everything that happened... But also of what you escaped!
The summary in bulk
While SEO still dominates people's minds (7 out of 19 articles were devoted to it), this year we will note a very interesting growth in posts devoted to content marketing, with 26% of the total volume of articles.
If we exclude netlinking, to which two articles by Omar Belwaer and CreaNico were devoted , the range of subjects covered was also very appreciable, going from the automation of Content Marketing to specialized directories as an alternative to Google, from SMS marketing to new UX Design trends , and from fake news to Google Ads campaigns !
Most surprisingly, the average WoW Score for this edition (72) was very close to our overall average WoW Score for the blog (74). While the metric is not perfect, it at least gives an idea of the interest a post generates among readers.